Saturday, February 10, 2007


Faith is for that which lies on the other side of reason. Faith is what makes life bearable, with all its tragedies and ambiguities and sudden, startling joys.- Madeleine L'Engle

I forgot how I actually battled through the week. I constantly felt rushed from one meeting to another. Getting the job done, missing meals... Pitiful! How busyness can cloud our mind and blind our senses. I have to thank the Lord that He is still seating on the throne, even when little things in life may consume us and distract us from approaching the throne of God.

This morning, even now, I should have started to read through my course work and get the statistic exercises done (yes, getting things done again), I insist to take a moment of rest to pour out myself. It is time to revisit God's love for me and question myself if I truly love the Lord in every aspect of my life. The answer is obvious.

I always have a sense of urgency in getting things done and quickening myself to discard things, habits, and thoughts that I see no benefits for myself or others. In consequence, I allow little rooms of error for myself. In the yoga's point of view, I have done violence to myself. I guess I have been from one way or another.

This year, I told God that I wanted to rest in Him. I don't want to go through the cycle of beating myself up for every mistake I make and feeling ashamed for every accomplishment that I fall short. Ha! This week challenges have blown me off the water but I again insist to let myself rest. It is ok to fail; it is ok to fall short; it is ok to not meeting every expectation; it is ok to slack; it is ok to be sluggish (sometimes)....

It is GRACE that I need. It is the Lord's presence that makes me well. It is His joy that satisfies me. It is His warm embrace that casts out my weariness. It is His songs of love singing over me. It is His love that strengthens me. It is His approval I seek. It is His majesty that puts me in awe. It is He who sustains me all along. It is His home where I belong. It is His gentleness that melts away my frustration. It is His blood that makes me whole... It is He who holds all things together. It is He who fearfully and wonderfully created me. It is HE, the Lord Jesus Christ.


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