Monday, May 29, 2006


笔录 5/28/2006:

自从开始在网络上写Blog后, 已经有一段很长的日子没有提笔为了某些事情而记录些什么了. 今天是有感而发的冲动吧! 刚刚看了日语的 Howl’s Moving Castle, 终于. 和英语的剧情有出入. 至少, 我了解了故事的前因后果.

那, 我的感觉是对的. 一个这样的偶遇, 一个这样的邂后, 一个这样的人, 能够不爱上是不可能的. 还记得当初看了那个片段的时候, 曾经这样的问过自己 – 如果换着是我, 反应将会是如何呢? 答案没有改变. 我将会忘不了. 而且每天会反复练习, 反复回忆每一个又短又不真实的细节. 如果再碰到时, 可能还会花上几秒钟愣在那, 接下来将会说些有的没的来掩饰自己的失态. 虽然当Sofia 遇到Howl的时候, 他的心已不在了. 可是, Sofia的心也却跟随着消失在眼前的Howl而去了.

故事里的爱情都不需为生活交代, 因此可以洒脱. Howl是个魔术师, 生活的衣食住行是可以变出来的; 小王子与玫瑰, 没有生命和空间的阻挠, 所以, 人们会觉得完美. 也许, 这才是爱情的本质吧! 不过活在限制与时间与生活中的我们还没有能力达到完美的本体. 那一天将会来临, 但, 并不是今天.

不知觉地呼吸着每口气的我们应该向往的是可以承受琐碎纠缠,岁月洗礼,与生活压力, 而又能历旧宁新的爱情.

离过婚的人告诉我, 那是不可能的.
我说,没有什么是不可能的, 如果上帝是牢实的根基.

认为爱情是烟雾的人告诉我, 那只是亲情.
我说, 亲情是固然的,但,爱情更是必然的.

不相信永恒的人告诉我, 那是天真.
我说, 如果无法相信永恒, 那对方的言语已失去了能够证明什么的能力.

肯定婚姻是爱情坟墓的人告诉我, 那是 “生活” – 淡而无味.
我说, 抱着这样的态度而步入婚姻的人已注定了爱情死亡的那一天.

我可以是天真, 不过, 我选择相信, 我选择坚持, 我选择努力.

Monday, May 22, 2006


I didn't plan to make comments on this topic - "Da Vinci Code" but after reading KK's blog, let me share something here...

No matter how brilliant the author is or how perfectly woven the decoding seemed to be, the idea of this book made me sick. Same thing happened to me since 2004 that many people asked me if I had read the book. Needless to research any further after a short summary of the story, my first reaction was, “what the heck is this?” and I drew my final conclusion - I don’t want to have anything to do with it. - Yes, I am subjective, so? I don’t need another mere story to tell me otherwise.

I understand that it could be a good opportunity to probe people to think about God and Christ, and it could be a great chance to show the world that Christians are fearless to a fabricated entertaining story. Of course, I would be more than happy to answer questions and point them to the Words of God. Nevertheless, it wouldn’t be my intention to win the crowd through knowledge and argument because it is as well futile.

A friend of mine told me that she rather believed in the Jesus of Da Vinci Code than the Jesus of the Bible because the story made sense. I didn’t blame her. For it is easier to pick up “proof” and “explanation” than to pick up our own “cross”. Last year, another friend of mine asked me, “wasn’t Jesus married?” I think my face turned dark at once and blurted out loud a big “No”. My anger was not toward my friend but the source of lies.

If you are a big fan of Da Vinci Code and ready to seek the truth… I would suggest you to read the Bible. You’ll find the same excitement, murderous schemes, secrets, laughter, tears, blood, and mysterious encounters. But better, you’ll find life, victory, hopes, joy, and Christ the Lord Jesus personally. The best thing is – it is not a fiction, it is His-tory, the whole truth.

“Matthew24: 3 Now as He (Jesus) sat on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to Him privately, saying, “Tell us, when will these things be? And what will be the sign of Your coming, and of the end of the age?” 4 And Jesus answered and said to them: “Take heed that no one deceives you. 5 For many will come in My name, saying, ‘I am the Christ,’ and will deceive many… 23 “Then if anyone says to you, ‘Look, here is the Christ!’ or ‘There!’ do not believe it. 24 For false christs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect. 25 See, I have told you beforehand. 26 “Therefore if they say to you, ‘Look, He is in the desert!’ do not go out; or ‘Look, He is in the inner rooms!’ do not believe it. 27 For as the lightning comes from the east and flashes to the west, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be.”

... I don't know about you but I am looking at the eastern sky.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006


昨天看了 “漂流教室”.

“...有些朋友只有靠手机联系. 当我失去它的时候, 我已为我是永远的失去你了...”
“... 就是一句话, 一个字, 一个微笑... 如果不抓住那瞬间, 可能就会变成永远也转达不了的信息...而,这遗憾将一生的伴着你.”

Monday, May 15, 2006





Friday, May 05, 2006

A note for you

Maybe being overly righteous is a burden to oneself and others.
It's all right. You don't have to hide because the more you hide the greater the flaw is.

… I rather to face the ugliest truth than to prolong the lie that you must sink in.
Sin is like crimson red. God's grace is white as snow.
I am not God but I clearly know what kind of grace God gave to me, so that I could extend to others.

It is easy to be nice to others but it is an extraordinary difficult task to love and discipline yourself for others' sake, especially for the One who has abandoned all for you.

I still fail at times but I pick myself up again. I learn to love myself and avoid pains that I may cause Him. For His cause, I know I am accepted. So, you are.

"His wrath is for a moment but His loving kindness is everlasting" I hope you know what I mean.