Thursday, March 30, 2006

Oh woman...

One of the greatest tragedies in the history was the fall of King Solomon.

A man, who was adored by kingdoms from near and far, and sited on a splendrous throne that made of ivory and coated in pure gold.
A man, who sought after wisdom before riches and death of his enemies.
A man, whose wisdom surpassed earthly justice and righteousness, and satisfied all difficult questions from Queen of Sheba.
A man, who built the most magnificent temple of the Lord and promised to walk in His statues.

The wisest and richest man, who ever walked on earth, fell for the sake of women.
He had 600 wives and princesses, and 300 concubines.
He died in the bosom of his foreign wives.

He traded his wisdom and favor of God for sweet smiles and warm embraces.
The wisest man became the most foolish man on earth by the power of women.

Oh woman... thou quietness, smiles, and tears can trample a man's heart and cause kingdom to fall.


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