Friday, March 03, 2006

Fantasia Barrino

Last night, after I cooked myself a simple and quick dinner, I sat down in front of the TV. As you know, TV and I don’t go along very well. It is a Comcast box, which I don’t even know which button is which. All of the sudden, a voice inside me told me to hit “25” and enter. I did.

The first thing I saw was an American Idol, Fantasia Barrino, standing on a stage with tears and amazement. Taking no interest in this show, as soon as I was about to change channel, I heard her saying, “I was just giving God thanks and praise and was thinking about all that I had went through and thought about all these people had gave up on me and I wasn’t going to go anywhere…” I stopped. I ended up watching the entire interview. (

My eyes welled up with tears. This is how God can take dust and turn it into something beautiful. I did not go through what Fantasia did and I did not choose the path that she chose when she went astray but I can relate to her in full because we both serve the same God. I was once nobody and knew no significance of life. Against all the odds and defeating words, God raised me up and called me into being.

I have friends once told me that I was seeking and waiting for something that never exist. They advised me to take the face value of life and live with it. You know what? Call me a fool but I am not buying any bit of that. I love how C.S. Lewis put it in his book, The Silver Chair, “If Narnia never exists… with all the greens and stars… and the sun was just the shadow of a lamp… even if all these were in a dream, I would rather choose to believe in that dream because I don’t see anything that is pleasant to me in this very world of yours” (Paraphrased).

I know the power of God and I know His love knows no bound. You go girl, Fantasia! It is true that when the praise goes up, the blessing comes down!!


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