Monday, March 05, 2007


When we hear the word, “disability,” we tend to think of the blind, the lame, the sick, the deaf…. anything but a healthy human being who runs about and live a social-claimed normal life. Just lately, the idea of the disability in a physical healthy man weights equally or heavier than the physical challenged folks.

These disabilities are the fruits of broken souls, for instance, overwhelming sorrow, low self-confidence, anger, confusion, power hunger, carnal dependency and many others. Anything that prevents or disables us from moving forward or having the positive image about oneself falls into the category of “disability.”

Just as you are and just as I am. We have or/and used to have these disabilities.

Even though we struggle, we fight, we try to take situations under control, and we hope… The loudest yearning for everyone remains the same:

“Can you see who I truly am, despite of my brokenness, my physical challenges, my incompleteness…? Can you see beyond all these messes and find me?”

But most of us wonder if there is an answer to this desperately asked question… until I hear He says…

“Even before there was time, I love you”
“I am the beginning and the end. I have seen your beginning and your end, but I still love you”

Only Christ Jesus can call out the persons who He sees in you and me … despite of our conditions and sins because He knows who we truly are.


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